Sewer Line Cleaning Tips And Tricks

If you own your property, you may have to deal with sewer line cleaning at some point in time in your life. When you use the kitchen and toilet in your home, everything ends up going down the sewer line. Sewer line backups can cause serious damage. That is where sewer line cleaning comes in handy. Although it is not a glamorous job, it should inevitably be done by almost all homeowners. This article provides information on sewer line cleaning tips and tricks.

Most of the minor sewer line clogs can be eliminated by using at-home tools and methods. You may have to call a professional sewer line cleaning service if the problem is complex. Hot water can do wonders in fixing a minor clogged drain or sewer line. This trick is most often overlooked by many homeowners due to its simplicity. Hot water can clear a clogged drain and help it return to peak performance within a short period. Hot water can dislodge buildup gunk and clogged materials through a combination of heat, force, and water pressure. Try running hot water through such a drain for about 15-20 minutes for best results. This is one of the simplest but most potential sewer line cleaning tips to return the pipes to optimal working condition without paying anything to a professional.

You can use the tools you already have in your home to clear clogged sewer lines and drains. You don't need to purchase DIY sewer cleaning tools or call a professional to clear a drain with a minor clog. The bathroom plunger that you already own is an ideal tool for this purpose. Cover the entire drain opening with the plunger. Now, press it back and forth in a continuous movement for about 2-3 minutes. Don't jam the equipment with force. Instead, the steady buildup of pressure from continuous movement can remove pipe clogging to a certain extent. If the sink has an overflow vent, you should cover these vents beforehand. If not, the pressure and air will escape thereby rendering your efforts meaningless. Apply some petroleum jelly to the rim of the plunger to get the best seal over the drain opening.

Homemade liquid cleaners are very effective in clearing a clogged drain most of the time. Similar to commercial drain cleaners, homemade cleaners can dislodge any drain pipe build up. But these cleaners won't damage the pipes even with prolonged usage. The vinegar and baking soda mixture is one of the most effective homemade drain cleaners in this regard. You may have both these components in your kitchen. They are very effective in breaking down loose materials within the pipes. They won't damage the walls or structures of the pipes like commercial drain cleaners. Pour the mixture down the drain and let it sit there for about 5-10 minutes. Thereafter pour some boiling water into the drain. This technique will remove most of the clogging in your sewer line or drain.

A plumber's drain snake is one tool that you need to have in your home. You can purchase this tool at the local home improvement store for less than $25. The tool can return its investment after a single use. A homeowner can easily use a plumber's drain snake to clear his own drain or sewer line. The technique is quite simple - Feed the snake through the drain pipes by turning its handle clockwise until you find the resistance. Now rotate the equipment against the clogged material. Pull the snake slowly to remove the clogged material. These are some of the most important sewer line cleaning tips and tricks.

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